We are now releasing a free version of our VRChat Speech-To-Text that everyone will be able to use without needing to be subscribed to any tiers list!
For a few months we have talked about releasing a free version that would only feature Text-To-Text that anybody would be able to use. We were planning on releasing a first version sooner but got hit with a stronger demand for other features that our Patreon supporters were wishing for. With the new text chatbox feature added on the live version by VRChat, we thought it was finally time for it.
This free version does not only feature a free Text-To-text program for our featured Speech Bubble but also features a new way for people to send data to the new VRChat text chatbox. Quest users by default are limited to certain shaders and our Speech Bubble shader is one of them. With the new hook functions implemented in our program, users will now have the option to send their data to the VRChat text chatbox as well, making it so Quest users are able to read and communicate more easily with mutes!
Note: By default, users can only see chatboxes from their friends, but can easily turn it on for everyone in their VRChat settings.
Free download link on our discord server: https://discord.gg/vrcstt (#free-version)